ابتكارات مغامراتية ضمن فعاليات لا منهجية

حصة التربية هي احدى الحصص التي من الممكن ان يُنمى فيها روح التعاون لانجاح مهمة الفريق. قامت طالبات الصف العاشر في مدرسة المعالي بالتفكير بخطه لايجاد طريقة لنقل بيضة الديناصور الى عشها قبل وصول الديناصور. 


In the personal and social knowledge class, something unique was planned to be implemented with the 10th graders at Al-Ma'aly High School. They were asked go out of class, to the yard in order to learn about how to work cooperatively. Two new dinosaur eggs were found (discovered), and the groups had to put them back to their nests using ropes. Students were split into two groups according to their birthdays. Who was born in January to June was in group 1 and so on, which allowed the groups to be heterogonous. During the task, students were actively interacting with each other, as a result, each students felt responsible towards their groupmates to help in succeeding the
